Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Connecticut River projection . . . aftermath of Hurricane Irene!

New river projection posted on the NOAA sight. Now they are predicting the Connecticut River to peak at 36.8 feet / ~130 Flow (kcfs) Monday morning between 8-10 a.m. This would mean there would be about 8 feet of water in the boathouse!

Tonight (Sunday Augsut 28th) at 10:00 p.m. the river is at 29.4 feet / ~71 Flow (kcfs), which puts water in the PRC boathouse Sunday night.

Flow Rate of Connecticut River:

25,000 cfs — starts to get dangerous for rowing the river
50,000 cfs — puts the river level at the top of the bank
60,000 cfs — it's lapping the PRC Boathouse
90,000 cfs — has about 4 feet of water in the PRC Boathouse. 

We will see on Monday morning what remains of the docks and/or boathouses, and what the river is doing! Check out the NOAA website for river predictions and conditions!

Will try to load some photos tomorrow! 

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